Martes, Hulyo 31, 2018

Nutrition Month Theme (2018)

"Ugaliing magtanim, sapat na nutrisyon aanihin". This is the theme for this year's nutrition month celebration. July is known as the month for celebrating it. The theme is about planting crops that contains nutrients that will make us healthier. This reminds us the importance of getting the right amount of nutrients for our body.

There are so many ways for us to plant crops. We can do it in our backyard, vacant land, even in plastic bottles and small pots if space is an issue. Planting nutritious foods should be a must. We should plant so that we'll have something healthy to eat. Eating food that has many nutrients benefits us a lot. It makes us healthier, stronger and more energetic. We need these so that we won't get sick, but of course we should team it up proper exercise.

We should always remember that taking good care of our health should be one of our priorities. To take care of our health we should have a healthy lifestyle, and in order to have it we should eat healthy foods and exercise is needed too. Never neglect!  

Martes, Hulyo 24, 2018

My Insights

Dear President Duterte,

I'm writing this letter to let you know my insights about our country and about you. I've always wanted to this and now i'm finally doing it. I'm hoping that you'll be able to see this. I'm grateful that you became the president of our country, The Philippines.

First, I would like to thank you for bravely and whole-heartedly accepting the position as a president of our nation, you're doing good Mr. President. For the past years you've done so much. Drugs and crimes, you've eliminated most of the drug users and pushers, but do you think its right to kill addicts? Don't you think they deserve a second chance to take the right path? I'm quite happy because drug addicts are decreasing. I'm not sure about the killing part tho, they may have a family who needs them and it's very inhumane. Oplan tokhang both has a negative and positive effect. The Marawi war also happened, I'm glad that it ended already. I also noticed that you curse too much, which is a bad habit. Nobody's perfect tho, I can say that you're one of the best presidents we had.

You're doing your job well, Mr. President. Please do what you think is right/best for our country. Please focus on poverty, many citizens of this country needs your help. It hurts seeing so many children like me suffer. Again these are only my opinions, Thank you.

                                                                                                                   Respectfully yours,
                                                                                                                      Charlize Lianne

Huwebes, Hulyo 12, 2018

Day Worth Celebrating

One of the most significant dates in the Philippine's history is the Independence Day because it marks the nation's independence from the Spanish rule. It's been 120 years since we were free from foreigners who colonized our country. We were declared independent last June 12, 1898. Our ancestors fought and died for our country, they sacrificed so many things in order for the Philippines to be free and it's something worth celebrating.

We celebrate our country's independence to acknowledge the sacrifices our ancestors did. To recall how brave they fought for their rights as the citizens of our country. To remember that no matter how hard it is they still remained strong. To thank the people who helped our country during its downfall. To know that it is important to always have unity.

We, Filipinos celebrate it by giving flowers to the statues of our heroes, by praying for them and by thanking them for what they did. For us, millenials we share, like, comment and tweet using our social media account. It is important to always celebrate our country's independence because it is worth remembering. We wouldn't be here if they didn't endure the pain while they fought. We should always remember it.


Reflection; 4th Quarter

It is the last quarter of the school year ‘18 -‘19. In this period, we studied about Photoshop, it was a bit complicated at first but af...